Someone commented to me about how they were reading my blog, and they informed me "all you do is laugh." It is true. There is something about this raw expression of joy that radiates. It is a universal language, an undignified form of communication. It is a priceless sound of happiness, one that connects people together. The past three weeks I think that I have laughed more than I have in the past year. Camp is just that way. It makes you realize that joy is victorious. Today over many hysterical laughs, I helped serve breakfast, worked on my LINK project, listened to staff interviews, worked on my intro encouragement post, updated the camp blog about the photo contest winners, helped Heather with merchandise, added to the Pulse roles, and helped cook dinner for the ski group. Through it all, the laughter never ceased.

Don't forget to laugh.

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    Molly Black

    Here is where I will be posting daily updates about my internship at Sonlight Christian Camp.