My commute consists of about a five minute walk up the road from my cabin. I watch the sun rise and peek through the trees as the snow crunches under my feet. The birds chirp, the air is crisp. What a beautiful place. There is no cell service up here, so I have had my phone off all weekend. I like the simplicity. Yesterday after my morning walk, I spent some time in the office brainstorming summer crafts while Heather and Mary worked on breakfast. When they were done cooking, I put on my apron and helped serve. After we cleaned up and ate, we started making tacos for lunch. I also worked on making chili egg puff for breakfast this morning...I was a bit surprised when asked to use sixty eggs for the dish. After wrapping up lunch and eating, I spent some time in the office. I worked with Mary to update the Sonlight website with pictures from the Mid-High retreat, and then Heather showed me how to use CampTrak which is how campers are registered for the summer. Heather also showed me some of the merchandise she is working on getting for the Sonlight store. I got started on a birthday postcard, which will be sent out to all of the campers this year on their birthday. After getting some office work time, it was back to the kitchen to bake cookies and make dinner for the ladies. After the meals, Nick, Heather, Mary, Winston and I eat dinner together in the kitchen. I always look forward to our meals together.

I am so grateful for the wisdom the Sonlight staff are sharing with me- this is an experience I will never forget.

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    Molly Black

    Here is where I will be posting daily updates about my internship at Sonlight Christian Camp.