Yesterday I headed up to Sonlight to begin my internship adventure. I started off my day by having a cup of tea and talking with Heather about all of the things we want to complete while I am here. The list is basically a list of a variety of things that I am super excited to work on. As I wrote about before, the camp director does a ton of different things, which makes the list a bit random. However, the further I get into my internship, the more I appreciate being able to switch things up. One of the first things I started working on was researching coffee. Heather is interested in possibly getting a Sonlight blend of coffee, so I looked into that possibility for a little while. After finding an option or two, I worked on an outline of the encouragement post page we want to put together. The encouragement post page is going to be a new section of the Sonlight blog, where Sonlight staff can post messages that will be spiritually encouraging to campers even when they aren't at camp. I spent a while yesterday afternoon outlining what this would look like, and formulating a sample email to the staff. Outside of the office, Sonlight is hosting a women's retreat this weekend. Sonlight hosts a lot of women's retreats and ski groups during the winter, so it has been really neat to get a well-rounded experience. During the retreats, there is not as much interaction with the guests, but I really enjoy the office time. I have my own little desk in Heather's office, and so while I was working yesterday, I got to sit in on a few phone interviews with prospective staff. During this time, I spent a little while updating the Sonlight Pinterest page with ideas for the summer. After some summer camp inspiration, it was off to the kitchen to make Beef Stir Fry, Biscuits, Salad and Brownie Sundaes for the 42 ladies who are here right now. Thus far, we are off to a good start! 

This morning on my commute up the snowy road from our cabin, I walked with a spring in my step, excited for the day ahead, because I just love it here. 

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    Molly Black

    Here is where I will be posting daily updates about my internship at Sonlight Christian Camp.