Today I worked on a new Nalgene design for the Sonlight store. I helped update and file health forms. I listened in on a few phone interviews with prospective staff. I sent out the encouragement post email to 25+ staff members. I organized a file cabinet full of staff files. I took a hike on one of the snowy Sonlight trails. I helped Heather make cheese. I learned how to work the wood stove in my cabin. It may seem crazy, and random, but what I enjoy so much is that the action never stops. Boredom never kicks in, and the going keeps on going. It makes for a tiring day, but one that is so full of accomplishment and progress. I sit here by the smoldering wood stove, full of anticipation for the action and excitement that tomorrow will bring.

Because tomorrow, I will keep on goin'.

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    Molly Black

    Here is where I will be posting daily updates about my internship at Sonlight Christian Camp.