Yesterday I began my internship journey. This weekend Sonlight is hosting a middle school retreat. My night began with writing a message on the chalkboard, setting up tiki torches, turning on music and helping prepare dinner for the staff meal. After a nice warm bowl of Sonlight chili, campers started arriving. The other counselors and I danced in the parking lot as we waited for the kiddos to arrive, and cheered when we saw lights coming up the snow covered road. It is so exciting to have the middle-schoolers here! As the campers got out of their cars we greeted them with warm smiles, and grabbed a sleeping bag or suitcase to carry inside. After eating a warm Sonlight cookie (or four), and getting settled in, we all got together for some get-to-know-you games. I helped lead a few of the games, took some pictures for the camp website, and then joined the kids for a round of spoons and Blokus, as we enjoyed our root-beer floats. We headed up to Nordic, our cabin (we have some awesome girls!) for a yoga session, and climbed into our sleeping bags. 

Going to sleep I couldn't stop thinking: this is the best job ever. 

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    Molly Black

    Here is where I will be posting daily updates about my internship at Sonlight Christian Camp.