Ever since I first heard about the internship program, I have been excited for internships. Each day I still wake up excited. I look back on all of my writing previous to my internship, and it makes me laugh, because I had no idea what was awaiting me. I thought that I knew what was ahead. But now I am here. I am immersed in the experience. I am actively growing and learning. I wake up excited for each morning because each day at Sonlight is unpredictable. Unpredictable means I woke at 5:38am when a little dog named Tope came in and jumped on top of me. I walked about ten feet from my cabin to the kitchen at 5:45am to help breakfast for the ski group. I had a cup of coffee with a little extra sugar to keep me awake and alive for the day ahead. I helped serve breakfast, and then went to help identify a strange smell in one of the cabins. I wrapped up the birthday postcard, finalized the three nalgene designs, helped Heather work on merchandise, listened to a phone interview with a potential staff member, worked on my project, helped make staff intro videos, and make dinner. I was a stylist in the camp staff "salon" to help cut hair, and I was the official churro maker.  It's not your average job. I suppose I have come to see things like standing on a ladder and sniffing around for a strange smell as normal. I realize my daily updates probably seem ridiculous. But I like it. I actually love it. I love that each day I can wake up and have a day ahead of me full of hot fudge explosions, afternoon breaks with Jillian Michaels, dogs jumping on top of me to wake me up, hair trimming, and being in crazy videos. I love that my stomach hurts from laughing so hard, and that I am exhausted from serving after each long, beautiful day. 

I love that it is so unpredictable.

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    Molly Black

    Here is where I will be posting daily updates about my internship at Sonlight Christian Camp.